First, I want to express my deepest sympathy to all those affected by the April 15, 2013 bombing of the Boston Marathon.
#RunForBoston – A hashtag to show support and solidarity for the victims. I hope this can be an inspiration and motivation to runners and survivors alike. If you’re interested you can log your miles here.
I am a runner, but I don’t like running. This may sound counter-intuitive but to me this was a reality I needed to understand and accept so that I could move beyond motivation to achieve life changing results. I was motivated to begin running after a series of test results kept indicating that I needed to lower my BMI and increase my cardiovascular fitness. I found that I was intimidated by the prospects of running due to the sheer amount of exertion and perceived difficulty of the task. However, I was surprised at the process and how I became accustomed to making changes.
Running begins with two feet. Yes, I mean the two feet you use to run but also the literal two feet (one in front of the other) to move your body farther (and sometimes faster). When I began running it was more like a fast walking with intermittent slow and fast periods. I could not run for more than 2 minutes at a time and I was quite sore after. Slowly the process became easier and I was able to increase my endurance and ability. But one thing to note is it is never easy to run. It takes a great deal of personal motivation each time to lace up, get out, and will myself to move in an unnatural motion for an extended period of time. It’s soooo much easier to choose to stay in bed or sit on the couch than go out and put a few miles on my running shoes.
It all has a purpose. Even with what seems to be the world working against me sometimes I find great satisfaction when I achieve that which I set out to accomplish. Finishing a run has a great sense of accomplishment and every time I run I feel myself getting and staying healthier. There is also a great community of both avid and aspiring runners that are always willing to say “Hi” on the road, answer questions or provide tips and support.
Find your own motivation. Whatever it is that might motivate you I encourage you to use it to help move you to action. We each have a different style or process but the end results will be the same. Running will provide very tangible results for the work that you put into it and I wish you the best on your journey.
Some personal tips:
Start slow and work up – Running for 2 minutes is better than sitting on the couch for 2 hours.
Sign up for a race a few months out – It helps to have something to work towards.
Get good shoes – You will notice the difference if you have proper fitting shoes.
Prepare for each run – Prepare both mentally and physically know what you want to accomplish and always stretch.
Don’t let a bad run discourage you – Always persevere and keep looking ahead.
Find a friend – Personal I run alone, but often when running races I like to find someone to challenge myself against and keep motivated.
I’m a runner, but I don’t like running. I don’t think I am the only one and I am not afraid to admit it. I still work hard at running longer and faster and getting more healthier. I wish you all the best in your journey as well.